Complaints and Objections

Are you dissatisfied with the product you purchased on our site? Contact us with confidence and we will resolve your complaint as soon as possible.

If you find, at first use, that the product you received is defective or is not satisfactory, please contact us and follow the steps below:

Send us information with your invoice number or your username and complaint description by email at or by phone on +385 1 2321 044*.

We will send you a confirmation of receipt of the complaint and based on your description of the complaint, information about it:

• Can the product be exchanged for a new one,

• Whether the product can be refunded,

• Or have the product sent to an authorized service center.

In cases where the product can be exchanged for a new product and the money can be returned for the product, we send to your address a delivery service that collects the advertised product and returns it to our warehouse. When the product arrives in stock, we send you a refund/shipping notification of the replacement product. Refund/replacement for a new product will be made within 2-3 days and no later than 14 days. Otherwise please contact us by phone on +385 1 2321 044 * or by e-mail at

In case the product needs to be sent to an authorized service center, we will send you all the information of an authorized service center.

If the shipment is damaged during transport, such damage is visible when picking up the shipment, in which case please do not pick up the shipment. Please contact us to check the status of the shipment and send a new one as soon as possible.

Please feel free to order further on our site.

We hope that we will resolve your complaint to our mutual satisfaction.

* The call price and the call unit are charged at the cost of calls to the fixed lines of the user's telecommunication operator.

European Commission Regulation no. 524/2013 on Online Consumer Dispute Resolution, effective 09.01.2016, launched the Online Consumer Dispute Resolution Platform (ORS Platform).

An electronic link to the ORS Platform -

In the case of unresolved complaints, consumers may resolve a consumer dispute through an ARPS body in accordance with the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (OG 121/16). Merchant Glazbena kutija d.o.o. will, in the case of submitting a reconciliation proposal, participate in the proceedings before the ARPS Body: Conciliation Center at the Croatian Employers Association, Radnička cesta 52 / I, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, or at

Personal Data Protection Officer

Address and place of work: Zagreb, Harambašićeva 60. Official e-mail adress: