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  • Lowest price in last 30 days: 34,50€
  • 24,00€

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WMT-940 is a 4-in-1 guitar chord tool. It includes Includes 372 fingerings for chords incl. major, minor, dominant seventh, major seventh chord and ninths chord. With the input and separate volume control on metronome, it offers much more convenience to play late at night. It is suitable to teach beginners with the mixed metronome and 6.35mm guitar signal output.

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Tuning Range A0 (27.5Hz) ~C8 (4,186.0Hz)
Accuracy ± 1 Cent
A4 Range 430~450Hz
Tempo Range 30-250bpm
Fingerings For Chords 372
Dimensions 119 (W) x 72 (H) x 17 (D) mm
Weight 103g


Toni Orlić - 10/11/2022

Na internetu se pronalazi samo jedan official video, vrlo malo tehničkih informacija. Zahvaljujući razgovoru s ljubaznim prodavačem sve nedoumice su mi bile razjašnjene, te sam WMT 940 kupio i nisam požalio.

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